Healthy Environment
Our business relies directly on forests. Consequently, taking care of nature and the environment is especially important for us. Our products are manufactured from a renewable material – wood. Wood is an organic material that is renewable, recyclable and biodegradable. Sustainable forest management ensures that there is enough wood raw material for future generations. Our objective is to abide by the principles of sustainable development in everything we do. We always know the origin of the wood and ensure that our forest management practices enable the forest to regenerate and protect natural diversity. We also make every effort to ensure our operations cause no harm to bodies of water near our facilities.
The wood we use originates from sustainable sources
Our wood comes from certified forests “FSC® CoC* chain of custody certificates”. These ensure that the wood is harvested from sustainably managed forests where felling is carried out in accordance with the law and certification criteria. The origin of the raw material is inspected based on our procurement policy to ensure forests in protected areas are safeguarded and that wood is not procured from controversial sources.
Sustainable forest management practices guarantee the availability of wood in the future
One of our goals is to be in the forefront of adopting new international environmental standards and following the principles of sustainable development. We evaluate our operations continuously to ensure the sustainability of our operations and the continuity of their source, the forest. Palnet Expo has been a pioneer in integrating environmental considerations in industrial operations, and we have received recognition for our efforts. Our wood procurement are managed by our operational system. Our wood procurement subcontractors have also committed to following the operational system requirements. We use modern equipment, which means they are more efficient than ever while producing fewer emissions.