Meaningful Work
Our goal is to provide a pleasant and safe workplace where every job is meaningful. At Palnet Expo, meaningful work consists of excellent working conditions, fair treatment, continuous development of expertise and guaranteed work well-being and safety.
1) Goal: motivated and healthy personnel
We always aim for permanent employment contracts. We only use temporary staffing in special cases. Most of our employees have permanent contracts.
We bear in mind our employees’ life situation and are flexible when it comes to working time arrangements and various family leave situations etc. We support our employees’ work ability as need be with lighter workloads or the opportunity to take on alternative tasks. We also encourage our employees to try job rotation.
2) Equality and diversity are important parts of our HR policy
Equality and diversity have been deemed important values at Palnet Expo. Working towards them is an important part of our human resource policy and the development of our employees’ well-being. Everyone working for us has an equal opportunity to advance their career. We can guarantee everyone, regardless of gender or task, the chance to develop themselves and their work. Our aim is to make combining work and personal life possible by coordinating different working hour and work arrangements so that our employees’ different needs and life situations are taken into account. The compensation our employees receive for the same and equal work is the same regardless of gender, and we monitor the situation annually with salary reviews. We make sure that our employees are not subjected to bullying, discrimination, sexual harassment or any other form of harassment. Our service relationships’ conditions and working conditions are based on equality and fairness.
More than half of our employment relationships have lasted more than 10 years. The duration of white-collar relationships has been slightly longer than blue-collar, which is likely explained by the difference in the work strain.